12. Gemeinschaftliches Seminar des Fachbereichs Rechtswissenschaft und der Fudan Universität, Shanghai

„Law, Economy and Digital Technologies“

Seminarvorträge vom 22. bis 25.07.2024
NOLTEERNSTING Katja, “Transparency of Online-Rankings on Multi-Sided Platform Markets under EU Law”

WU Jing, “Data Use and Regulation of Health Insurance in China: A legislative perspective”

HÄBERLE Nicolas, “Legal Classification of Security- and Equity-Token - Implications of German Civil Law and European Securities Law”

YUE Hanxun, “The Regulatory Dilemma of 'Data Poisoning' in Generative AI: A Full Lifecycle Perspective”
WANG Yu, “ESG Reports and Greenwashing Governance in China: Too Good to be True”
LIU Xinrui, “The Legitimacy and Construction of Proportional Joint and Several Liability of Intermediary Agenccies”
NÄHRING David, “Crypto currency and money laundering”
GONG Weitao, “The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence to the Ethics of Financial Technology and Its Legal Responses from the Perspective of International Law”
BEUTELSPACHER Lara, “The Legal Presumption of an Employment Relationship in the draft Directive on Platform Work”
GROßHANS Lilli, “Merger Control of Killer Acquisitions – The Scope of Article 22 EU Merger Regulation”
FENG Xinyue, “Legal Basis and Institutional Framework for the Establishment of Geographical Indication Rights”
FÖCKLER Niclas, Text and Data Mining under German Law after the implementation of the DSM-Directive
YANG Yulin, “Analyzing China’s First Case of AI Art Copyright: a Landmark or a Step too Rushed? — A Comparative Perspective from EU, USA, and China”
MEHRFERT Noemi,  “Sustainability in Consumer Law – Reform of the Right of Withdrawal in Distance Contracts?”
FALCONI CABRERA Juan Mateo, “Consumer remedies with respect to updates based on the “Digital Content Directive”
Prof. Dr. Jochen Glöckner,