9. Gemeinschaftliches Seminar des Fachbereichs Rechtswissenschaft und der Fudan Universität, Shanghai

Themen im Zivilrecht (Prof. Dr. Astrid Stadler)
Limited legal capacity to act of minors under German law and the General Rules on the Civil Law of The PRC (Rhea Dittmann)
The conflict of laws regarding the (claim for damages to the) digital environment of consumers (Daniel Lenz)
Liability for reviews on internet platforms and for postings in web fora (tort liability) - (Kornelius Löffler)
Rescission of contracts based on mistakes or misunderstanding in German law compared to the new rules in the General  Rules on the Civil Law of the PRC (Raphael Pfleghar)
Themen im Wirtschaftsrecht (Prof. Dr. Jochen Glöckner)
Multi-sided markets in Competition law (Jana Abt)
Liability for reviews on internet platforms and for postings in web fora under Unfair Competition law (Johannes Geiling)
Ownership in data - Who are the oil barons of the 21st century? (Mirjam Lück)
Hyperlinks, framing, embedding - liability for third parties' IP rights infringements? (Karl Ole Rinck)
Themen im Strafrecht (Prof. Dr. Rudolf Rengier)
The leniency policy for cartels in criminal law and in administrative offences - comparing § 81 VII GWB (Marija Bebek)
Criminal liability for failures to assist a person in danger (Hannes Bürgelin)
Sanctions of the German Criminal Law in case of unlawful domestic cartels (Dominik Hotz)
Criminal problems of whistleblowing in connection with prohibited cartel agreements (Shahin Rahimi Azar)