Talk Show ‘Marcus Lanz’ on External Asylum Procedures

Asylum policy has always been controversial. German politicians increasingly embrace the idea of external processing, emulating the model set by the British ‘Rwanda plan’ and the Italian ‘Albania project’. The issue has even reached the prominent prime time talk show ‘Markus Lanz’ on the public television – with Professor Thym as one of four guests (he appears at minute 39’30, 52’26, and 1‘05‘58). Moving beyond domestic politics, the debate involved heartbreaking pictures from a recent TV documentary ‘Sehnsucht Europa’, which can be found online (in German). More detail on the legal and political pitfalls of the most recent externalisation initiatives are discussed in the latest edition of the new podcast ’Gerechtigkeit & Loseblatt – Die Woche im Recht’ (starting at minute 18‘30).