MPF Special Edition: Legal and Practical Feasibility of Safe Third Country Schemes

Prominent political actors in Brussels and the Member States are pushing for the realisation of safe third country schemes, following the British ‘Rwanda Plan’ and the Italian ‘Albania Model’. The special edition of the Migration Policy Forum (in German language), organised by the Research Centre Immigration & Asylum Law of the University of Konstanz, serves as a platform for experts from ministries, NGOs, parliaments, courts, academia, and civil society to discuss regulatory options and potential pitfalls on the occasion of an expert opinion written by Professor Thym, which will be made available after registration and will be published online in German on the day of the event, together with an English version. It discusses legal, administrative, diplomatic, and practical challenges at the national, European and international level. Any realisation of safe third country scheme on a larger scale would have to cross at least three hurdles: first, targeted amendments of the EU asylum legislation; second, swift and fair admissibility checks on European soil before the transfer; third, the formation of resilient asylum systems in safe third countries. In doing so, several options exist of how a safe third country scheme could be implemented. Professor Endres de Oliveira will provide comments. Further information, including on the registration, can be found on the event website. Note that the discussion will take place in German.