Moot Court

The nationwide Moot Court in Criminal Law is a trial simulation in the field of criminal law in which the participants work on a hypothetical court case before a german criminal court and the teams of different universities compete against each other. The teams each consist of four students, two of whom take the role of the public prosecutor and two of whom take the position of the defence. Participation also counts as a key qualification according to § 9 Sec. 2 No. 4 JAPrO.


Over a period of about three months, the participants are to work independently on a fictitious, but as realistic as possible, case and present it to experienced practitioners at the final competition event. In the past, the cases dealt with problems of commercial and sexual criminal law, the law of digitalisation, environmental and medical criminal law. The aim of the event is to develop one's own plea, either from the perspective of the prosecution or the defence. To this end, the participants will receive rhetorical training and practice before the competition under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Liane Wörner, LL.M (UW-Madison) and StA Simon Pschorr, deputy practitioner in criminal law. In several preparatory events, the participants will have the opportunity to present their plea in front of an audience and to constantly improve and refine their own presentation and personal appearance under professional guidance.

Moot Court 2024

On 31.05.2024, the University of Konstanz team: (from left to right) Maurice Bieller and Julian Geretzky (prosecution) and (from right to left) Paulina Haug and Sophia Lang (defense) achieved an outstanding 3rd place in the nationwide Mootcourt in criminal law. Coach Janine Blocher is pictured with the team.

After a confident preliminary round against the teams from Augsburg and Berlin, the team from Konstanz convinced the jury, Dr. Maja Lehmann, Prof. Dr. Michael Tsambikakis and BGH judge Dr. Frank Tiemann, against the defense from Düsseldorf in the small final in the jury courtroom of the Münster Regional Court!

Congratulations to our great team!

Many thanks to Prof. Dr. Michael Heghmanns and the team from Münster for the excellent organization!

Congratulations to the team from the University of Trier for 1st place and the University of Augsburg for 2nd place.
We are already looking forward to going to Trier next year!

Moot Court 2023

In 2023, Konstanz was again represented with a team at the nationwide Moot Court at the University of Cologne. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Liane Wörner, LL.M. (UW-Madison) and supervised by StA Simon Pschorr, Aleyna Kocak and Jan Wehrheim competed as prosecutors against Saarland University. Directly afterwards, Melody von Hebenstreit and David Schellenbach took on the role of the defense in the competition against the team from the University of Augsburg. In both rounds, the students showed what they had learned with powerful pleadings and were also able to shine in their response to the opposing side with a convincing argument. Congratulations on this achievement!

Pictures of the Moot Court at 6th May 2022 in Berlin

Website of the HU Berlin: