German Border Closure on the Basis of Article 72 TFEU?

The past weeks will be remembered as a tipping point when Germany joined the camp of governments supporting strict asylum policies. For the EU, the coming months will be a period of high risk, especially if the German government decides to refuse entry to asylum applicants at internal Schengen borders. Is that legally possible? And would such a step kill the Common European Asylum System? Professor Thym presents his answers in an OPEN-ED FOR DER SPIEGEL (‘Kann der »Merz-Plan« von Zurückweisungen an der Grenze funktionieren?’) discussing political consequences and in a legal assessment for the VERFASSUNGSBLOG (‘Zurückweisungen von Asylbewerbern aufgrund einer „Notlage“’; both in German). Thym also discussed the topic in interviews with DEUTSCHLANDFUNK KULTUR, FOCUS, and WELT TV; expert opinions featured in articles of dpa, FAS, SZ,, and Bild. Legal background information on Article 72 TFEU can be found in the 700-page volume on European Migration Law, published with Oxford University Press last year (pp. 273-275).