[Translate to Englisch:] Cover des Buches "Deutschland als Einwanderungsland"

Open Access Publication ‘Germany as a Country of Immigration’ (in German)

A popular reference in the public debate is the designation of Germany as a ‘country of immigration’ (Einwanderungsland). The term is often used in an affirmative manner, as if the recognition of a factual reality was a self-fulfilling prophecy what should be done. That would obviously be too simple. ‘Countries of immigration’ need lively and constructive debate about the future rules and policies governing entry into the territory and the equal membership of those residing legally. In the open access publication ‘Deutschland als Einwanderungsland’, published with Mohr Siebeck, 15 leading legal experts from across Germany chart the terrain by discussing critical regulatory options which combine an awareness of the legal details with theoretical and interdisciplinary insights.