[Translate to Englisch:] Thumbnail: "Straftäter abschieben: (wie) geht das?" in zdfheute

Forced Returns to Afghanistan and Syria?

Several European countries have started a discussion as to weather Syrians and Afghans who are not facing persecution can be returned to their home states. That debate has reached Germany following the murder of a policemen by what appears to be a racial Islamist. Such debates are notoriously complex: both legally and politically. Professor Thym explains the practical options and the legal limitations in interviews with the news channels ZDFheute LIVE (‘Frage der politischen Prioritätensetzung’), DEUTSCHLANDFUNK (Asyl- und Abschiebedebatte), SPIEGEL ONLINE (Wie leicht können Straftäter abgeschoben werden?) und der WELT AM SONNTAG ('Deutsche Großzügigkeit entfernt sich meilenweit von ursprünglicher Idee des Asylrechts') und, and NTV/RTL NEWS. Further information on the legal picture can be found on the VERFASSUNGSBLOG ('Einzelfallprüfung statt "Alles oder nichts"') and in an Gutachten Expert Opinion for the regional government of Northrine-Westphalia written in December 2020 (all in German).