New challenges for teaching, research and practice of criminal law in digital times

Strategic university partnership for digitalization and criminal law

The University of Szeged (Criminal Law Institute headed by Prof. Dr. Krisztina Karsai), the University of Konstanz (Chair of Criminal Law headed by Prof. Dr. Liane Wörner, LL.M. (Madison)) and the University of Istanbul (Criminal Law Institute headed by Prof. Dr. Adem Sözüer) have entered into a strategic university partnership addressing the new challenges of criminal law in the digital age. The jointly initiated proposal of the three partners, submitted under the leadership of the Hungarian colleagues, was awarded as the best proposal in the procedure and will be funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union with 150.000 EUR until 2023/24.

DIGICRIMJUS combines digitalization - criminal justice - comparative law - teaching and learning. The main topic is the application of criminal law in today's information society. Within this framework, research team members will focus not only on classical issues of criminal law (e.g. on criminal responsibility in cases where artificial intelligence has been used), but also on criminal justice issues (e.g. the investigation of cybercrime or online visitation of incarcerated individuals). The results of the three-year research will be published as comprehensive study materials for the new generation of law students and future lawyers. At Konstanz, the results will also be processed separately and made available for the university’s new Advanced Data and Information Literacy Track (ADILT). Thus raising society's awareness of the topic of digitization and criminal law is another important goal of this project.

Another goal besides the creation of study materials is to establish a joint LL.M. program of the three renowned universities (LL.M. in Digital Criminal Law and Comparative Criminal Law) with the strategic partnership "Digitization and Criminal Law" (DIGICRIMJUS).