Daniel Thym

Prof. Dr. Daniel Thym, LL.M. (London)


Curriculum Vitae


Focus of Academic Interest

German, European and International Migration Law:

- Immigration, asylum, border controls;

- Citizenship, integration, nationality.

European Constitutional Law:

- Human rights in Europe (Charter, ECHR, national constitutions).

Institutional Affiliation

Daniel Thym is...

  • Director of the Research Centre Immigration & Asylum Law (since 2010)

  • Principal Investigator (PI) of the Cluster of Excellence 'Cultural Foundations of Social Integration' (2012-19)

  • Vice-Chairperson of the German Expert Council on Integration and Migration 
    (2019–22, member since 2016)

  • German Member of the Odysseus Network for Legal Experts on Immigration and Asylum in Europe (since 2011)

  • Member of the Editorial Board of the "Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik" (since 2012)

  • Member of the Editorial Board of the European Law Journal (from 2006 until 2019)

  • Chairperson of the Advisory Committee on the Migration of Researchers and Skilled Workers at the (German) Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (since 2016, chairman since 2019)

  • Expert Partner of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, the German member of the European Migration Network EMN (since 2011)

  • German Member of the European Constitutional Law Network ECLN (since 2011)